Intel Capital + Medical Informatics

Medical Informatics

Medical Informatics Corp. is a software-based monitoring and analytics company. Their revolutionary Sickbay platform archives, aggregates, and transforms otherwise unrecorded, high-resolution waveform data spanning disparate biomedical devices to enable anytime, anywhere remote monitoring across the continuum of care. The same platform can then be leveraged to use machine learning and AI to deploy real-time, predictive critical care, and operational analytics to prevent risk and deterioration along with enabling data-driven medicine and patient-centered care.

Our Thesis

The Global Healthcare Analytics Market size is expected to reach $93.3 billion by 2027, rising at a market growth of 28.8% CAGR during the forecast period. Healthcare analytics effectively utilizes statistical, predictive, quantitative, comparative, cognitive and other newly applied analytical models to generate data and related business insights. One of the barriers to advanced analytics in healthcare is the siloing of data. For example, medical device manufacturers capture and store data in proprietary formats and databases. There is a significant need for a vendor-neutral, FDA cleared platform to unlock time-series vitals and waveform data to enable flexible, centralized and remote monitoring of any bed (in-hospital or at-home) and the development and deployment of real-time AI in a standardized workflow. Medical Informatics Corp. has demonstrated the ability to remove these data silos for healthcare providers of all sizes and enable remote and centralized monitoring of patients across inpatient settings to prevent risk and deterioration, and enable development and deployment of advanced analytics back into clinical care.

Investment Lead

Erica Van